Peter Schiff
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My goal is to educate my audience about free market economics and the principles and benefits of individual liberty, limited government and sound money.
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🔴 Biden Taunts Public With Inflation Victory Dance - Ep 833
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Any News Is Good News for Gold - Ep 955
Biden and Powell Do America, Part 2 - Ep 951

Ever since 2005 (when I could see the financial crisis coming) every single time I think that the public (in other words...the average idiot) has "woken up" I discover that these fucking morons still don't have a clue. 20 years later so same fucking morons still have their heads right up their assholes.

April 16, 2024

Hey Peter, I’ve notice the bond market crisis and market currently pricing in nominal rates rising. Therefore the dollar has been strengthen while other currencies are falling. Emerging markets therefore are crashing. Could this short term emerging market imploding force the Fed to cut rates?

April 15, 2024

Why are the gold and silver miners getting crushed with both metals spiking today?

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